Friday, May 3, 2013

The three vivid memories


I have a lot of vivid memories. The most three vivid memories from my life are the last two weeks in high school, my sister wedding day, and when my dad was in intensive care at a hospital.
      The first impressive memory was my last two weeks in my high school. It was bad days, because I had to have a good grade so I could go to university and choose the major that I like. I studied hard in the last month before the exam, but during the final exam like the two weeks, I wasn’t able to eat, sleep, or have fun because  I didn’t want to spend any time without studying. I remember  these days everyone was angry because the worried that something bad would happen to me. Even my mom was with me in my room and she tried to help me. When I finished the exam, I realized that my voice changed and I lost six kilograms. So it was a vivid memory to me.
     Next, I remember my sister’s wedding day because she is both my best friend and sister . we’re like twins we love each other so much. I enjoyed that day because I felt so happy and sad in the same time. This is because she would travel to her honeymoon and after that she would  live in another city so I was going to miss her. I remember the next day we were talking to each other on the phone and we started crying and I remember that she said “ok I’ll come back and live with you “ that was very, very funny because I was 19 and she was 21 years old so we were like a children. So it’s a vivid memory and I’ll not forget it.
     Finally, I remember  when my dad was in intensive care at the hospital. The worst was that the doctors didn’t know what the problem was my family planed that they would come on the spring break to go to Disney world so everything was messy. It is the worst weekend. I just was crying because I felt weak. I couldn’t do anything for them. So I planned to go back to my country because no one wanted to say the true. I felt they were hiding something. The problem was that I didn’t know how to buy a ticket and I asked my sister to help me but she told my mother and my mother rejected my idea to go back to my country. she said that my dad is ok and in a few days he can talk to me . so I remember these days because it was difficult for me and vivid.
     Overall these were my vivid memories that I’ll never forget. My last two weeks in high school, my sister wedding day, and when my dad was in the intensive care at the hospital. I hope that I will have great memories in the future.

My memory
                  I have a lot of memories, but I can’t remember most of them. In fact most people can’t remember. We always remember the most important memories for us. What I can remember until now is watching soccer back there in my home country, and the years of my high school and my graduation from high school. 
                       One of my favorite memories is watching soccer in my home country. I love watching soccer with my friends. We mostly watched matches in the restaurant. The most memorial match for me was in 2009. It was a strong match between the two teams but my team had won the game. That was a really good day for me.
                        The years of my high school was the best years of my life. I have a lot of memories with my friends and teachers. For example I always eat breakfast with my friends. I loved high school because it was mostly fun. Finally I wish if I can repeat these days from high school.

                          I finished high school last year. My parents didn’t come to the graduation party. They were in Dubai. My uncle came instead of them. My graduation was perfect and I enjoyed that day.

                          I think people can make a strong memory if they made more important activity’s. that’s why sad memories are always memorized. So In my opinion , we should think about bad things in a nice way to make a lot of happy memories.    

The Three Most Vivid Memories of My Life

 Kyung Jin

     This is the first to write autobiography. I was thinking for all day about what three memories I would choose. It was not easy to choose three memories because many memories appeared in my mind. The three most vivid memories are participating in a play club in my college, seeing my boyfriend (my future husband) and coming to the USA.
      First, the memory of participating in a play club named "pierrot" in my college made me happy. This club performed a play once a year in May. The club members who are casted practiced almost every day and the rest of the members had a discussion about designing the stage, music and stage properties. I was casted once as a supporting actor. I remembered "tension" right before starting the performance. Some members shed their tears after the curtain fell. After the performance was finished, we had a party. I loved the party. Without a doubt, participating in the play club in my college made elated.
      Second , the memory of seeing my boyfriend (my future husband) made me feel delightful. One of my friends fixed me up him about the time when I graduated from my college. My husband said to me when he saw me, he fell in love at first and he thought I was like an angel and a fairy. He had a good personality. We dated for four years until we got married. I was very happy. I felt that I was like a princess. Whenever I remember the date with my husband, it makes me feel delightful.
       The last is the memory of coming to the USA with my family. My husband had a dream to study in the USA before we got married but the dream never came true. After we got married, he worked at Samsung. He tried to get a job in the USA from ten years ago but he didn't get a job. We gave up to come to the USA. So when we heard he will be transferred to IBM in New York, we were very surprised. The first day when my family arrived JFK, we were very grateful to god. So this memory makes me very happy.
        In some, the memory of participating in play club in my college, seeing boyfriend (my future husband) and coming to the USA makes me happy. I want to cherish these memories forever.

My Unusual Past

                Today, I was reminded about my past. My past was thrilling, naughty, and sweet. I had a traffic accident, I spent my one year’s allowance money to buy a PSP, and I had an awesome 17 birthday. They were all my impressive memories.
                First, I had a thrilling memory of a traffic accident when I was seven. That day, my uncle rode a bicycle and took me to my school. We came to a traffic light and waited for the red light to became the green light and people could walk across the road. When my uncle was walking across the road, a big truck’s driver didn’t pay attention. The truck hit my uncle and I. I didn’t  know what happened next. Until now, I’m still afraid when I talk about this experience.
               Another memorable experience was a naughty memory because I spent my one year’s allowance money to buy a PSP. When I studied in middle school, many of my classmates had PSP. I wanted to ask PSP from my father, but he refused my request. I was so sad and started to save money. After one year, I spent my one year’s allowance money to buy the PSP. Until now, My mother still talks with her friends about how I was crazy and use one year’s allowance money to buy a PSP.
               After that, I had a sweet memory because I spent an awesome birthday in my high school. That day, my school had a “singer show”. When my friend finished their song, they added “Happy Birthday to Xin” in the songs end. Before the show finished, my best friend took a big cake and came to me. He walked and sang ”Happy  Birthday”. Then, some students sat around me, they also started to sing “Happy Birthday”. Finally, all of school’s students started to sing “Happy Birthday”. That was the best sweet memory in my past.
              In sum, I had many kinds of memories and a meaningful past. I like to remember my past because I have more wonderful memories than bad memories.  

My impressive memories

Qiqi Lin

        Since my birth, I have a mass of memory in my mind. I have happy and unhappy memories. I would like to share my impressive memories including my first day of primary school, wearing my mom's high-heeled shoes and using her makeup, also being a volunteer.
        When I was in kindergarten, I was very jealous of my sister that they could attend primary school, and every time they returned home, they would show me how many little red flowers they got from teachers, I wanted flowers too. Finally, I attended primary school, and I was so excited. Like a bird, hand in hand with my father walked on the campus. Then he took me to go to the dormitory and told me he would go the restroom and he would be back in a flash. However, he didn't come back, I realized my father cheated me. This was my impressive memory of my first day that I attended primary school, I never forget it.
         The second, I still remember the scene when I was wearing my mom's high-heeled shoes and using her makeup. That day, my mom left me alone and she went to the supermarket. I sneaked into her room, stood in front of the delicate dressing table and in accordance with my mom everyday make up appearance, started to put make up on my face. Certainly, my face looked terrible, had an unsightly red mouth and looked uneven skin tone, but I felt good. And I opened the shoe cabinet to find out my favorite high-heeled shoes. Then I was wearing it and stood in front of the mirror do a different position. I thought I was pretty and waited for my mom to commend me, but she didn't do that. Instead she scolded me. Wearing high-heeled shoes and using makeup are important part of my memory.
         The last interesting activity in my mind is the first time being a volunteer, this just happened recently. I was Clean Sweep volunteering at New Platz. The people of the church prepared of breakfast for us and gave us a trash bag and disposable gloves, they let us to go main stress to pick up garbage. Actually, our town didn't have a lot of garbage therefore our task was not too hard. I was glad I didn't waste a good weekend, after we cleaned up, we sang a song and returned home. Cleaning up the town was my first experience being volunteer, thus I think next time I will try other volunteer activities.
         In sum, I am sharing my impressive memories, first day to attend primary school, wearing my mom's high-heeled shoes, and using her makeup, and my first time being a volunteer. These were my important memories of my life.