Monday, March 4, 2013

Today's Visit to the Library

Today we visited the Sojourner Truth Library to learn how to search and locate books. Matthew Laudicina, our librarian, guided us through the lesson.

We started in the computer lab. Matthew showed us the catalog on the Library Website and explained the difference between Basic Search and Advanced Search. It was really helpful to be led through the steps of searching online.

Next, we each searched the catalog for a book of our own choice (by title or by subject), and wrote down the call number. Some of us used our phones to take a picture of the call number on the computer screen. Matthew then led us to the Young Adult section were we could search for our books. It was difficult at first, but we all finally found our books! Kyung Jin was first to find her book -- good job! She said that the library system in Korea is the same as the U.S. so she was familiar with the process. It is still good practice for all of us as everything is in English.

Matthew introduces the Young Adult section of the library.

          Matthew and Mohammed having fun in the stacks.

Kyung Jin found her book! 

 Abdul found a book on soccer that made him really excited!
 Xin, Mohammed, and Abdul search for books in the Young Adult Section.
 Xin flashing the peace sign!
 Xin and Qiqi work together to find a book in the Young Adult Section as Matthew looks on.
 Mohammed uses his cell phone to record the call number for his book.
 Matthew, Xin, and Qiqi look for a book together.

After we all located our books, Matthew brought us back to the computer lab to search the catalog for DVDs. Abdul suggested we look up the movie "Troy" so we all searched that on the catalog together. Once we found Troy together, everyone searched another DVD. Most of us searched by title. Again, with call numbers in hand, we went back to the shelves. Everyone was a lot quicker to locate their DVD this time.

Kyung Jin, Abdul, Matthew, Qiqi, Madiha, Xin and Mohammed. (absent: Kyriakos)
We learned some useful skills today at the library and are becoming experts at this! Next time we visit the library, we will search in other sections. See you then!

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