Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Today's Walk through New Paltz

Today we explored beautiful New Paltz. The warm sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing gayly, and a soft breeze was in the air. We made several stops along our long walk to take photos for a writing assignment. We played at the playground across from Van den berg Hall (VH), met some colorful metal people at Water Street Market, and explored the old Rail Trail down by the Wallkill River. The green grass is finally starting to grow and the little blue and white flowers are starting to bloom. On our walk back up Main Street, we found some onion grass along the sidewalk and picked it to smell the strong fragrance. Before returning to the classroom, we gathered in the field across from VH for some group photos by a gazebo. We really welcome the  fresh air and new life of springtime in New Paltz!


  1. Spring is the best in NP. I love the pics thanks for sharing them with us. Have a nice walk guys.. I'm Looking forward for the summer time and the beach. :D

  2. that was a wonderful day, but do you think the weather is very warm in the past 2 days?
