Thursday, March 21, 2013

My plane


          My friends and we are planning to go to New York City on the spring break. However I was thinking to go to Paterson and Atlantic city.
            First of all, we are going to New York City. And I’m going to visit one of my friend who is studying there. After, I’m going to see The Central Park. And I’m probably going shopping in Manhattan.
           Second, I’m going to Paterson. It’s a city in New Jersey State. It has many Arabian restaurants. I’m trying the food up there. And I might going shopping from Arabian stores.
          Third, I’m going to Atlantic city. It’s also in New Jersey State. I’m just going there to enjoy The Six Flags with my friends. It’s the most wonderful a Museum Park in the world. And I will probably hed  up to the beach over there.
         In conclusion, I hope to enjoy the plane that we set it up, and I hope everything will be fine. I wish to all of my classmates will enjoy during the spring break. God willing.

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