Monday, February 25, 2013

Ramadan Month

Madiha Marghalany

One of my favorite things in my country is the month of Ramadan.
Ramadan is one of the Muslims duty. Muslims fasting from sunrise to sunset. Before Ramadan come all Muslims prepare themselves for the holly month, so some people decorate their houses, with lights, fabrics, and plants, and make list of things to do. I know people stop or add habits in the holly month. And a lot of people visit each other and a lot of people visit Orphans and make for them foods and buy clothes, toys, books, and stories. We fasting in Ramadan to feel how poor people feel, so people give the poor people foods, money and help poor people. Also fasting is healthy for the body too that what the scientific achievement newly, and also it makes a strong personality because I can stop eating and drinking and prove that the person can do anything he wants to do. So I love this month because every year I can change a lot of things in my life for 30 days I remember my last things that I changed, that if I saw food in the ground I take it and throw it in a trash my next plane is visit the orphans . During the month of Ramadan I have fun and I help people so I feel so so  happy.   



Eid AL-Fitr Festival


Eid is a traditional festival in our country. And it comes after Ramadan month. Ramadan month is a holly month in our religion. First we go to the mosque to pray with our family. Then everybody has a big breakfast. We eat cheese and some tradition food. After that all people take a nap in their homes. At the knight all families have a big dinner and they usually eat meat and rice. In the second day all people mostly go to have a breakfast at a hotel. On the third day people visit each other and taste some traditional sweets. The most interesting in Eid festival is the gifts. Usualy its money. I think all people in my country loves Eid festival. Because it’s the most fun day in our country.

Chinese New Year


     Chinese New Year is the reason why i love my country. First, Chinese New Year is one of the most important festivals in China. In the festival we have special customs, such as eating dumpling and wearing new clothes. First family reunion dinner is part of New Year, just like an American Christmas. The whole family, no matter where they live, have to go back home. We will make dumplings and eat together. We have to eat rice dumplings that represent a reunion. Second, in the dress, we also have special habits. We have to wear new and red clothes which means new year have a good beginning. Some people will wear dragon patterns. Third, Chinese New Year have ancient customs to celebrate. Such as stay up late on New Year's Eve, write spring couplets an red paper, and give children lucky money. Whether adults or children, everyone looks forward to Chinese New Year.

Public Transportation in Korea

Kyung Jin Park

What I love about Korea is the public transportation system because it is very convenient and cheap in both city and some of the countryside. If I use my traffic card I can take several buses and subways with low price. All public buses have a machine that reads the traffic card.Right before I get off the bus I should touch my traffic card on the machine by the exit door. And then if I get on an another bus or subway within 30 minutes the cost will be lower. In some cases I might be able to ride a second bus for free.Public transportation is also good for students. They walk or take a bus to their school; this bus is not a school bus. They have to pay a bus fee. Most students can go where they want to without their parents' help. For these reasons I love about public transportation system in my country.



Kabsah  is one of my favorite dishes in Saudi Arabia. Kabsah is one of the Saudi’s most famous traditional dishes, and it's a part of the Saudi Arabian culture. The most important ingredients in this dish are rice and meat, and it has different colors like yellow, and orange, and white. Sometimes  it tastes salty and sometimes little spicy. When i eat Kabsah, it brings joy to me. Saudis eat this dish for lunch or dinner. we usually eat Kabsah by our hands, and we sit on the floor and eat it. On celebration times like wedding day the dinner for sure would be Kabsah. so most Saudis like Kabsah, like me, so if you are never eaten Kabsah you are never eaten before.

My Favorite Chinese Spicy Food

Xin Jiang                    
Mapo tofu is one of my favorite spicy foods in China because it smells so good, tastes so delicious, and looks like small magic cube. It has a good smell. Every time when I smell this dish, it makes me feel joyful. Besides, it also has a strong and hot taste. The taste from Mapo tofu improves my appetite. When I eat Mapo tofu, it always allows me to eat more. It looks like small magic cube. Whenever I see the Mapo tofu, I want to eat it. I usually eat Mapo tofu with my mother because she also likes it. I'm crazy about Mapo tofu and other spicy foods in my country.

What I love Most about my Country

Kyriakos Theoti

       The thing I love most about Greece is the weather for many rezones. First of all in Greece we have four seasons spring, winter, summer,  fall, and each period is special because the weather chaing, and the winter is not so could. The second thing that I love about my country is the nice beaches because we have very clean and sparkling water, and especially the summer we almost every week we have beach party. Finally I love a lot the summer in Greece and I can’t wait for it to go buck.

Welcome to our class blog!

Welcome to Sarah Elia's ESL Level 2 Reading & Writing class blog! This blog is a collection of writings by English as a Second Language students at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Students have traveled to this small town in upstate New York from countries around the globe including: China, Saudi Arabia, Greece, and Korea. Thank you for reading!